Posted by: Satoshi Kondo | 11 April, 2010

ASI F430 Spider

We finished our ASI F430 Spider!!!

…Today I also heard the beautiful sound of a California driving past our show room.

It really is great weather to be driving topless!

Well, take a look!

Wow! In a word, “Fantastic”!!!

It’s been a while since I posted an ASI F430 on this blog so…

Here are some other versions!

Red! White! and… Yellow!?


Hey!? Isn’t that silver—-!?

Yeah, I suppose there isn’t a yellow one. (sad)

Well, getting back on topic…

It’s not arrived in Japan yet, but…!

ASI F458 Italia #1!

ASI F458 Italia #2!

I really hope the car will be in Japan soon.

There hasn’t been much Ferrari news recently but, there are still many Ferrari fans in this country!!!

Note: as for our Panamera CGs…. please wait a little longer! p l e a s e

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